The Fastest Way to Skyrocket Your Authority, Influence & Income
We Help YOU Get Your Message Out Of Your Head, Into Print & Into The Hands Of Your Ideal Client Even If Your'e Not A Writer
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Welcome To Book Up Publishing
If you are a professional expert, a coach, consultant, advisor or medical professional or anyone who depends on selling their knowledge for income you need to write a book.
We help you create a Business-Building Book, to Grow Your Authority, Influence and Income Fast and Easy!
Hi I’m Mitzie Sundberg the co-Founder and President of Book Up Publishing. Our promise is to help you get Your message Out to the World- Fast and Easy.
Writing a book is the fastest way to grow your Authority, Influence, Income by getting the attention of your ideal clients. Authors are looked up to, have celebrity and make more money.
Here at Book Up Publishing we use a system that has created over 1200 authors and most of those are #1 best selling authors!
Our process is to get what you know out of your head into print and then into the hands of your ideal client, even if you're not a writer.
We are not a traditional publishing House. We are a hybrid of sorts. One big problem with traditional publishing is they aren't in business to help you grow yours…...but that is our sole mission; to help you grow your business by gaining more Authority, and Influence through writing a book, to get the attention you need to sell more products and services to grow your income so you can live your dream life.
P.S. AND being a published Author is just plain COOL!
Meet The Team
Marketing and digital marketing is my passion and my “superpower” if you will is looking at a business and immediately knowing where the owner needs to go with marketing, customer experience and catapulting the business owners expertise and authority.
I am a bestselling author of two books “Care Your Way To Insane Profits and Beat The Margin Game” written for pharmacy business owners and my latest book “Book Up Your Business: How to Get a Business-Building Book Written Without Writing a Word to Grow Your Authority and Influence Fast and Easy” which became a number one bestseller in three categories on Amazon in 48 hours.
I started BookUp Publishing to help my clients and business owners and experts like you skyrocket your business, your authority and status with a book. Being a published author is so cool and we can help you get there.

Mitzie Sundberg - CEO of Book Up Publishing

As far back as I can remember, growing up in South Africa, one thing was always obvious to me. It was something that emanated from my core, from my soul, if you will. It was the “knowing” that all human beings are created equal, that we are all the same. I had this overwhelming drive to help people. As you can imagine, while growing up in apartheid South Africa, the gross injustices done to human beings was evident to me at a very early age.
Just because of my color, I lived a life of privilege, with a five star education and access to almost everything, while my counterparts, who were black, lived a life of hell and servitude under the apartheid regime. They were faced with inferior education, had to carry “pass books,” and were forced to live in segregated, squalid townships and work at menial jobs for very little wage. This injustice and mistreatment of human beings was wrong, and I knew this from my core. As Nelson Mandela said:
“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”

Michelle Sherman - Cofounder of Book Up Publishing

Writers & Editors
Our writing and editing team are professional writers and journalists who are native English speakers.
They are here to help you with copy and producing your best selling book

Book Designers
Our aim is to create a book for you that looks professional & polished like a major publishing house would produce.
Our in-house designers create designs for the interior and exterior of your bestselling books.
Books Published
Using the same 5 step system

Best Selling Author
Book Up Publishing
Best selling book in 48hrs. I can help you get published!
Inspired By Experts
Write Your Book
A proven system to get your business book written and published to bring you authority in your niche.

Book Up Publishing System Works!
Gain Influence
After you publish your book you can boost your influence in your niche and get your message out there.
Gain Authority
The Book Up Publishing System
- Gain authority
- Grow your influence
- Build trust
- Spread your message